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Timbres de France - French Stamps
Stamps Dealers for over 30 years! American Philatelic Society Dealer #228891 - Choose Your Currency:
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Annees Compl. / Full Years
Timbres France 1849-1899
1849/50 - Ceres
1852 - Napoleon II
1853/60 - Napoleon III
1862 - Napoleon III
1863/70 - Napoleon III
1870/71 - Bordeaux
1871/75 - Ceres
1876/99 - Paix et Comm.
Timbres France 1900-1929
Timbres France 1930-1939
Timbres France 1940-1944
Timbres France 1945-1949
Timbres France 1950-1954
Timbres France 1955-1959
Timbres France 1960-1964
Timbres France 1965-1969
Timbres France 1970-1974
Timbres France 1975-1979
Timbres France 1980-1984
Timbres France 1985-1989
Timbres France 1990-1992
Timbres France 1993 Neufs
Timbres France 1994 Neufs
Timbres France 1995 Neufs
Poste Aérienne / Airmail
Blocs Feuillets / Blocks
Blocs Souvenir / Mini-Sheets
Taxe / Postage Due
Franchise / Military
Preobliteres / Pre-canceled
Carnets Croix-Rouge / Booklets
Roulettes / Coil Stamps
Materiel / Albums-Supplies
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Timbre France Yvert 241+242 - France Scott 241a+241b
Timbre France Yvert 188 "Ovules PHENA" - France Scott 163b
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Timbres France 1849-1899
1870/71 - Bordeaux
:: Timbre France Yvert 39 - France Scott 38
1870/71 - Bordeaux
Product 4/14
grande image / large image
Timbre France Yvert 39 - France Scott 38
1870-1871 - Emission de Bordeaux (Repub Franc)
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Used - Oblitéré ( €40.00 )
Used, spacefiller - Oblitéré, 2eme choix ( €23.00 )